The Red and the Black

Consider a donkey and an ox. Harness them. Then you harness them to a spreader. If you want the resultant of their unequal efforts to be perpendicular to the spreader that binds them, it is appropriate that the length of the arms of the spreader be inversely proportional to the force that each of the animals will transmit to the pole and then to the load that you plan to entrust to them.

Note: a couple can be as dissimilar as possible. But to make a couple, it is still necessary that a tiller pulls a load — a project. The essential point is that of the attachment of the tiller to the tiller. And there they are tied.
A little more elementary mechanics: from two, there are necessarily three, linked by a subtle point that can be represented by the intersection of straight lines. This model is generalizable and would constitute a sort of key to reading novels, plays and films. All permutations are possible according to these three poles around this same point. Writers, filmmakers, directors play with these combinations.
Remember this old film that will seem to some to be outdated, insipid, even “outdated”. No, it is a masterpiece that we owe to Jean Renoir.

Von Stroheim, turn as if in a ballet

from pair to pair, and each pair finds itself for a moment tied to a beautiful idea: it works in threes with the third term loyalty, honor, fidelity, class accurate cleaned numbers list from frist database  consciousness, community of arms and then the homeland! The great illusion bursts forth, panache and mischief.

Let’s change century. We are in a riding school where two horses trot in parallel. Perched on them, an acrobatic squire stands supplely upright. He alternately bends his knees in a discreet and subtle movement. His feet rest on two saddles, one sober and black, the other decorated with red braid. We will call the squire Julien.

Stendhal warns us: “Speech was given to man to conceal his thoughts.” Julien, a tutor, is a seminarian in a black, cut, buttoned, brushed habit, more becoming to his future state than “his perfect incredulity”. He recites entire pages of the Holy Book in Latin on request. In the diocese, there are reservations about the theological validity of this practice and its apostolic efficacy. On the other hand, in his village, nobles and bourgeois are awestruck by this abyss of knowledge.

Julien is in charge of Rénal’s children

He contrasts with the perfect rusticity of his husband, who has just returned from emigration. Madame, a beautiful thirty-something, is distinguished, of a provincial aristocracy tinged with Rousseauism.
The tutor’s chatter and plumage  assembly row created a banner design for have an effect. Tenderness creeps in without Madame suspecting where it is leading her. Step by step, she soon had “nothing left to refuse” to Julien and disabused him. The scandal surfaces. The diocese sends this precursor of Rastignac to Paris. There he is, becoming a minister’s secretary. He changes the colour of his book your list  clothes. What will he do with his career? The holy water sprinkler escapes him. And the sabre?
Lodi, Rivoli, Wagram.

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