Foreign to each other and presented



This discovery was a real shock, accompani by a joy of reading and learning, of using it and presented . which has never fad and present .

This is how, from year to year, I was able to follow the thread of what JA Miller call “Lacan’s cross”, this essential question, turn and return, always taken up anew, around the problematic articulation of two registers as such by Freud: the register of the signifier, of speech, of meaning, of the unconscious, of that which is interpret, and on the other hand, the register of jouissance, of the silent drive, which cannot be controll, and this, until this distinction becomes obsolete to leave its place to the Lacanian symptom, with its weight of reality, its necessity and presented .

We could say and present  that  the investigation

like the evening, has allow us to sh light on the ways of dealing with this intimate that remains clos to us. As such, the testimonies that you will find in this issue of the Hebdo-Blog are not a “sample” but are “incomparable” 3 , and bear witness to what J.-A. Miller indicates: “As long as we have not lost the meaning of this accurate clean numbers list from frist database  extime (the word is Lacan’s, before Michel Tournier) with feeling, psychoanalysis will not surrender.” 4

these attempts at healing, delusional metaphors or quest for new nominations, are not enough to obtain a stable and operative anchor point. The subject’s crutches ne to be forg in the  seo for hotels and useful tips transference workshops and consolidat by the target, tailor-made alloys made possible by the analytic act. Here the function of the analyst cannot be ruc to that of the secretary or scribe rigorously taking note of the way in which the subject is martyr by an unconscious beyond castration.  and presented He becomes a link in the production of the quilting point.

These quiltings attain the value

a sinthome as soon as they ensure “the articulation between a signifying operation and its consequences on the subject’s enjoyment” [1] and it is in order to clearly identify the way in which this occurs that Jacques-Alain Miller drew our attention to the importance of not neglecting, in the presentation of cases, the function of the  be numbers object a in its status as a non-extract, non-lost object, in the clinic of psychoses. The quilting point is not limit to the signifying dimension; it must include, in what it borders, the excess object. Thus, a broader question comes to overflow these knots obtain sub-transference, that of knowing how sublimation can come to psychosis. We were sensitive to the way in which Miller made this term “sublimation psychosis” resonate to clearly punctuate that the modifications obtain sometimes extend to the whole of the subject’s life.

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