Yes, that’s what I always say: finish number four one project first. The worst thing you can do is juggle five projects at once and none of them ever get finished. Finish one online course first, implement it, and then move on to the next one, don’t just buy one after the other.
if you get your reward, your dopamine, from buying and consuming online courses, don’t buy online courses, because then you’ll keep buying them and consuming them, but you won’t implement anything because you just enjoy buying. Yes, like buying shoes online, you try them on a few times and then send them back, but that doesn’t really get you anywhere.
You should get your number four dopamine
your reward from action, from real results. When you’ve accomplished something, get your reward by buying another course, buying another book, and thinking you’ve made progress. You haven’t made progress.
You have only made progress fax lists when you have really learned something, and you have really learned something when you act differently. Therefore: start acting, start implementing and don’t just get a reward and a profit from buying.
Reason number five why you shouldn’t buy an online course is that you hoard online courses because you don’t want to miss out on the discount. Yes, we know that here and there are always discount promotions, last offer, it will never be available again. And so on and so forth.
And then you number four think
I don’t have any time to if you want to get a good income implement the course, I don’t need the course at the moment, but I’ll secure the good price for the future, then you are a price buyer.
Yes, and it’s a very bad habit if you hoard be numbers online courses and store them away for the future, so to speak. For later. I’m telling you, a little later is better than never.