6 Tips to increase your company’s potential in online sales

Since the 1990s, the internet has become popular and has come with everything it needs to revolutionize online sales.

With the ability to distribute content worldwide in a fraction of seconds, it has become a darling in the business world. With just a few clicks, you can present a brand, generate content, promote a product or service, sell and even obtain valuable information about the customer who is interested in your brand.

SEE MORE:  Is it worth investing in e-commerce?

Online sales channels are considered agile and direct, offering products from different areas such as: clothing, household goods, electronics, supermarkets, among hundreds of other options.

Online sales practices increasingly attract Brazilian entrepreneurs.

Consumers are leaving behind tiring and tedious shopping trips and replacing them with fast and dynamic online shopping. This practice reduces the time they spend on obligations, increasing their availability for activities that truly please them.

Want to know a little more about who the main consumer is when it comes to online sales ? Take a look at the data obtained by Webshoppers in 2017 (the most credible study on online commerce, carried out by Ebit):

Primary persona – Female, on average 40 years old, living in the southeast region and with an income slightly above R$5,000.00. This is the profile with the highest conversion on websites related to online sales.

Overall growth was 22% in 2016 compared to 2015. Proving that investing in the digital age is indeed a great option.

SEE MORE: How to increase sales with digital marketing

Learn how to use marketing the right way to sell more

In this article, we have prepared 6 brother cell phone list tips for you who want to create a digital marketing plan to start or expand your sales on the internet.

1 – Choosing the site

One of the basic principles for starting online sales is having a good platform.

The great advantage of online shopping is that it saves time and is convenient. If these two requirements are not met successfully, the customer will hardly choose to buy from you.

Make your website extremely dynamic and that brings us to number four: easy to access. Without too many frills and bureaucracy, in this case less is more. Less difficulty, more customers choosing to buy from you.

Choosing a website for online sales should be done down to the smallest detail, not just in terms of its e-commerce platform. Colors, fonts, banners, choice of images, well-marked products… Phew. This homework is not an easy task.

Another important aspect related to choosing a website for online sales is security.

We are not able to make a purchase and, many times, include our credit card number on a seemingly suspicious website. Therefore, correct the spelling, layout and structure, so that the customer has no doubts about the veracity of this electronic address, ok?


2 – Meet the established deadlines

There is nothing more stressful than buy lead a purchase online, the delivery deadline passing and the product not arriving, right?

Pay attention to logistics. Due to the lack of physical stores, this is the guarantee that your customer will have regarding compliance with the proposed agreement and your company’s commitment to delivery by the date stipulated at the time of purchase.

Do you have any doubts about the seriousness of this problem?

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